This is an artificial collection that was created to bring under one manuscript collection number the ledgers that do not contain enough information about their creators to permit individual collections under their names.
This collection, accompanied by an index, will permit a better use of the information the ledgers contain by local history researchers. This collection will always be considered open. Any ledger acquired that can not be given its own manuscript collection number will be added to this collection. The index will be updated with each addition.
ARRANGEMENT:The ledgers are listed in no specific order. The index will facilitate the research for specific material.
CONTENT: This collection contains ledgers for private businesses, social clubs, parish school districts, local government of the county, etc.
1. Robert Stephenson Day Book, Woodstock, N. B., 9 May, 1864 – Sept. 4, 1884. Contains names of clients, amounts paid (General store accounts). 238 pages, 4 cm.
2. Municipality of Carleton Chequing Account Book, January 9, 1900 – January 8, 1904. Contains number of cheque with name, amount and reason for payment; deposit with name of Bank and amounts deposited. 3.5 cm., 295 pages, oversized.
3. Woodstock Electric Railway Light and Power Company Stock Ledger, 1896 – April 1920. Company incorporated in 1896. Contains names of stock holder, number of shares, transfers, and payments. 1 cm, 41 pages.
4. Queen Hotel Register, Woodstock, N. B., October 29, 1891 – April 5, 1892. A. Watson & Son, proprietors. Contains signatures of patrons, addresses, and dates of registration. 4 cm, full, oversized.
5. The Aberdeen Hotel Register, Woodstock, N. B., March 28th, 1898 – July 11, 1899, Wilbur & Stevenson, proprietors. Contains signatures of patrons, addresses, and dates of registration. 3 cm., full, oversized.
6. Wakefield Parish School District #9 Minute Book, January 10, 1878 – July 9, 1934. Contains minutes of annual meetings with annual accounts. 1.5 cm., full.
7 (1). The Woodstock Canoe Club, August, 1889 – July 24, 1891. Ledger contains constitution and minutes of meetings of two social clubs:
7 (2). Woodstock Amateur Athletic Club, October 25, 1895 – May 27, 1897. Contains constitution, membership list and minutes of meetings.
(a.) 1 ledger, 4 cm. (40 pages).
(b.) file.
8. G. W. VanWart Account Book, Woodstock, N. B., c. Nov. 29, 1878 – January 1895. Contains amounts in sales and accounts for clients (General & clothing store]. 893 pages, 6 cm, full.
9. Central Hotel Register, Woodstock, N. B., February 2, 1922 – November 2, 1927. C. S. Jamieson, proprietor. Contains signatures and addresses of patrons and dates of registration. 5 cm, half-full, oversized.
10. Upper Woodstock, Parish of Woodstock, School District #6 School Register, 1954-1955 school year. Edna MacPhail, Teacher, 43 pages, 1 cm.
11. Jack Painter Ledger, Woodstock, Shoeing and general smith (blacksmith), c. 1914 – 1947, He operated a blacksmith shop in Hadley, England, up to c. 1925 when he emigrated to Woodstock where he continued his business.
(a.) 1 ledger – 5 cm, 128 pages
(b.) file – correspondence, accounts, I cm.