WOODSTOCK ELECTIONS. — The election of Mayor and Councillors, under the Act to Incorporate the Town of Woodstock, took place on Monday last, and we are happy to say went off quietly, although the contest as may be seen by the Returns below was exceedingly close. There were three candidates for the office of Mayor— viz.— Messrs. L. P. Fisher, James Robertson and George W. Cleary. As the trial of strength seemed to be between the first two mentioned candidates, the different parties appeared unwilling to weaken their numbers, consequently Mr. Cleary got but few votes, and the result was that Mr. Fisher was elected by a majority of TWENTY.
Some amusing scenes took place during the day. Different individuals influenced by strong predilections, and other causes — it might be said of a local nature — in favour of their chosen candidates, and determined, if possible, to secure the return of their favourite vote as it is reported, in other Wards than that in which one they were entitled to exercise that right. A good deal of vigilance was used, yet advantage was taken of the pecularities of the Law in reference to its provisions for the first election. One individual presented himself at the polling place in Ward No — where he was challenged, and consequently had to take the necessary oath. Not satisfied with the assistance he had thus rendered his candidate he concluded he could do a little more for him. He repaired to Ward No. — where he was again challenged, and the Book presented for the purpose of testing his right. This was too much for the voter, and either from a spirit of waggishness or honest simplicity, he frankly admitted that he had been sworn in the other ward, and would rather decline swearing here.
Occurrences of this kind will not be likely to happen again, as a Registry of voters in each Ward will be prepared previous to the next election; besides each voter must produce a receipt from the Collector that his Rates for the previous year had been paid, thus affording a proper check, and making it rather hazardous to attempt such a trick again.